By the end of the course the students are expected to be able to:
Describe concepts applied in chemical thermodynamics.
Apply thermodynamic principles to solve practical problems
Energy and the first law of thermodynamics, Entropy and the second and the third law of Thermodynamics, Free energy and chemical equilibria, Thermodynamic properties of open systems:
Thermodynamic treatment of solutions, Phase equilibria and phase diagrams.
Delivery: 45 lecture hours and 15 Tutorial hours.
Assessment – Coursework, 40%, Final Examination 60%.
K.S. Forland, and T. Forland, Chemical Thermodynamics. University of Dar es Salaam. 1991.
G. M. Barrow, Physical Chemistry. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2004.
P. W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry. 8th ed. ELBS/Oxford Univ. press, 2006
- Instructor: DR. JAMES MGAYA